Funding options for home care

Funded home care programs and packages

There are different ways you can access our home care services if you're eligible and live in Queensland. Most of our 12,000 home care clients receive government-funded support under one of the following programs or packages. Tap on each program below to find out more about services, costs and how to apply.

Commonwealth Home Support Program

For entry-level help with your health and home.

Find out about the CHSP

Home Care Packages

For greater in-home support and more frequent care.

Home Care Packages

Home Assist Secure

For help with critical home maintenance and modifications needed to keep you safe.

Get help with home maintenance

Veterans' Home Care

For eligible veterans and their dependants with a Veteran Gold Card or White Card.

Help for veterans

Private services

We also offer our home care services privately, on a user-pays basis. Some clients use our private services to receive help while they wait for funding, or if they're not eligible for government funding.

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