The Churches of Christ Foundation | Churches of Christ


A Ministry of Churches of Christ in Queensland—Disclaimer:

  1. All investments will be administered by Churches of Christ Foundation (the Foundation) which operates as a ministry of Churches of Christ in Queensland (ABN 28953930342) of 41 Brookfield Road, Kenmore, QLD 4069.  Churches of Christ in Queensland (ARBN 147481436) is a body corporate pursuant to the grant of letters patent issued under the Religious, Educational and Charitable Institutions Acts 1861 to 1959 (QLD).
  2. The Foundation is a religious charitable development fund (the Fund) that operates under an exemption to the Banking Act 1959 (for current exemption see the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) website:
  3. Neither Churches of Christ in Queensland nor the Foundation are prudentially supervised by the APRA. Therefore, an investor in the Fund will not receive the benefit of the Financial Claims Scheme nor the depositor protection provisions of the Banking Act 1959. Investments in the Fund   are intended to be a means for investors to support the charitable work of Churches of Christ in Queensland, and for whom the considerations of profit are not of primary relevance in their investment decisions.  (See Condition 11 of the Banking Exemption.)
  4. This scheme has not been examined or approved by ASIC. No Product Disclosure Statement is available.
  5. The Foundation does not hold an Australian Financial Services License. Therefore, the Foundation is not licensed to provide financial product advice. This document/website contains factual information about the availability of the Foundation’s products. It is not intended to provide any legal, accounting or other advice to potential investors but, to the extent that it does, such advice is general advice only and has not taken into account the potential investor’s specific relevant personal circumstances, including their objectives, financial situation or needs. Each investor should seek independent advice relating to their circumstances.  
  6. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Foundation does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage (including negligence) caused to anyone who relies on the information in this document/on the Foundation website.
  7. No cooling-off period applies to the investments issued by the Foundation. The Foundation undertakes to repay investments upon request, subject to our Terms and Conditions.
  8. Repayment of investments is underwritten by the overall funds & assets of Churches of Christ in Queensland.
  9. The information and services available through the Foundation are only intended to be available to persons in the jurisdiction of Queensland. You must satisfy yourself that the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction allow access to the services the Foundation provides.
  10. Your use of, and access to the Foundation website and/or this document, and your agreement to enter into products offered by the Foundation (using Foundation information) is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with the terms, conditions and disclaimers contained within this document and elsewhere on the website. Any person using Foundation information is responsible for making their own assessment of the material and should verify all relevant representations, statements and information with their own professional advisers.
  11. The Foundation does not represent, warrant, guarantee that the information in this document or on our website is complete, accurate or suitable for your intended use. The Foundation does not accept any responsibility to inform you of any matter that subsequently comes to its notice, which may affect the information in this document or on our website.
  12. We may need to make changes to our terms and conditions (The Foundation terms) from time to time for many reasons. This may include, for example, changes required for updates to our products and changes to the law. You should look at the Foundation terms regularly, which are posted on the Foundation website. If we make a material change to these Foundation Terms, we will notify you in writing by letter, if you are registered with us as a Foundation product holder. We will attempt to send you the letter by email or post to the contact details you most recently provided to     us prior to the material change taking effect. Any material changes to these Foundation Terms will be effective automatically 14 days after the revised Terms are first posted or, the letter is sent, whichever is the latter. 
  13. The Foundation is unable to guarantee files and attachments in our emails or on our website are free from contamination. Recipients of emails and/or visitors to our website should ensure they have precautions in place.