Our 2024 AGM will be held on Tuesday 5 November at 6pm at Kenmore Church.
Register here.

Our history

Over 40 years and thousands of homes.

In 1980, we first partnered with the Queensland Government to manage three houses for community housing residents. Over the decades, as the need for social housing grew, we stepped up to provide homes to disadvantaged Queenslanders - especially those at risk of homelessness.

Churches of Christ Housing Services has proudly evolved over the decades, from purely providing emergency accommodation, through to creating more targeted programs and developments - like Affordable Housing, Specialist Disability Accommodation and also Social Housing for Seniors.

These new programs have all been developed by listening to our 2000 residents, learning about their hopes for the future and responding to their needs. 

Learn more about our housing programs

Our vision

We are committed to providing quality homes for Queenslanders experiencing housing stress and facing homelessness.

Our vision

Our team

With 50 staff across our housing, support service, asset management and business support teams, we are dedicated to supporting residents and developing opportunities for the future.

Our team

Our partners

We work with government, other not-for-profits and businesses to develop and deliver social housing that meets Queensland's needs.

Our partners

Our environmental commitment

Every home needs to be secure, and should be as sustainable as possible, too. Find out about our quality and compliance program and what we're doing to reduce our carbon footprint.

Quality and compliance

Get in touch

Would you like more information or have a question?

Send us a message and we will be in touch.

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