Request maintenance or repairs
We'll get you the help you need
Our tradespeople are here to help when your home needs fixing. For after hours or emergency repairs, call us on 1800 446 604.
Emergency repairs
1 hour response. For things that could put your life at risk - gas leaks, exposed electrical live wires, burst pipes. Always call 000 first if you need emergency help.
Urgent repairs
4 hour response. For things like power outages, serious storm damage, vulnerable residents locked out (daylight hours), broken stove.
Priority repairs
24 hour response. For things like hot water outages, multiple lights not working, broken windows.
Routine repairs
14 day response. For things like jammed doors, leaking gutters, cooktop burner not working, single light not working.
More about repairs
Emergency repairs are for faults or damage which may put people's lives, health or safety at risk, including:
- gas leaks
- exposed live electrical wires in an accessible location
- seniors or other vulnerable tenants being locked out of their home during night time hours
- burst pipes within the building.
If there's a fire, flood or other serious emergency putting life at risk - always call 000. Contact your Housing Officer only after you've alerted emergency services.
Can't get onto your Housing Officer? Contact your local Housing Office, or call our after hours service 1800 446 604
Urgent repairs are for any fault which could endanger health or result in extensive property damage, including:
- building being insecure after forced entry
- no lights or power
- serious water penetration
- serious storm damage
- burst water pipes outside the building
- fully blocked sewerage (health hazard)
- stove not working
- seniors or other vulnerable residents being locked out during daylight hours
- smoke alarm not working
- major structural damage endangering the occupants.
Can't get onto your Housing Officer? Contact your local Housing Office or call our after hours service on 1800 446 604
Priority repairs are for any faults that cause serious inconvenience, including:
- blocked drains (minor, no health hazard)
- toilet cistern not working or overflowing
- broken locks (external doors)
- insecure yard (fence damage greater than 125mm wide)
- broken windows
- no hot water
- no power to multiple power points
- no power to multiple lights
- security lights not working.
If the maintenance is urgent or a priority we may not be able to adhere to the normal 24-hour Entry Notice period. Submit a repair request form and we'll call you.
If it's the weekend or evening, call our after hours service 1800 446 604
Routine repairs are for any faults which cause inconvenience or may, in the long term, affect the value of the property, including:
- slow dripping taps
- element not working on stove
- water hammer
- doors jamming
- uneven hard paving (trip hazards)
- trees which need lopping (not dangerous)
- leaking gutters or downpipes
- power and lights not working (single points)
- faulty internal door locks
Contact your local housing office
Unsure what do? Call your local office within business hours and we'll help you.
Bribie Island
52 Cotterill Avenue
QLD 4507
07 3410 3751
41 Brookfield Road
QLD 4069
07 3327 1674
8 Cooma Terrace
QLD 4551
07 5539 7655
Gold Coast
1 Griffith Way
QLD 4215
07 5539 7655
26 The Terrace
North Ipswich
QLD 4305
07 3436 8900
Weekend or evening? Call our emergency after hours service.
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Send us a message and we will be in touch.
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