Safe Churches | Our Churches | Churches of Christ

Safe churches

Safe churches begin and end with the knowledge that God’s love is for all people.

We are called to love all others, but God also has a special concern for the poor, the marginalised and the oppressed.

Our Safe Church Policy

The Safe Church Policy addresses the obligations and responsibilities of churches to provide safe environments for all people that they engage with. This policy aims to:

Embed in church culture

Embed safeguarding of children and vulnerable people in the leadership, governance and culture of the Church.

Reduce risk

Reduce the risk of abuse occurring, especially to children and vulnerable people, and to ensure that a caring and appropriate response is taken should abuse occur. We have a zero tolerance for any type of abuse; and

Procedures and processes

Ensure the Church has processes in place to act in an appropriate and timely manner to identify abuse and/or respond to allegations of abuse, reports of suspected abuse or grooming.

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Churches of Christ endorses the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations , and adheres to our policy and its related documents to ensure alignment with these principles.

Would you like more information or have a question?

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