Our 2024 AGM will be held on Tuesday 5 November at 6pm at Kenmore Church.
Register here.

Our vision & strategic direction

We provide houses that become homes

We're committed to providing quality homes for Queenslanders experiencing housing stress and facing homelessness.

Our work is guided by the Churches of Christ 2019-24 Strategic Plan.

Our business plan sets a clear path forward for what we're working on and why.

Read our Annual Review

Focus areas

Provide quality homes & services

We're focused on providing safe, secure homes, communicating with residents and responding to their needs.

Engage stakeholders & communities

We work with our partners, residents and government to improve social housing across Queensland.

Deliver more homes

We're increasing the number of properties we own and manage to meet Queensland's need for more affordable housing.

Support, develop our people

We prioritise staff needs and help our teams learn and grow through training and opportunities.

Strong management

We're focusing on finances, regulatory compliance and creating an organisation that best positions us to help meet Queensland's social housing needs.

Would you like more information or have a question?

Send us a message and we will be in touch.

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