Download the 2025 ProspectusNAVIGATE is the Churches of Christ Queensland Combined Internship Cohort, made up of interns enrolled in internship programs in churches within in our movement across Queensland.
NAVIGATE is designed to support our churches in making disciples and seeing young leaders developed according to their gifts and callings. It provides interns with the opportunity to network with other interns and receive input and coaching outside of their ministry context and opens the doors to shared intern experiences.
An intern is a leader, generally serving in a greater capacity than a regular volunteer. They are enrolled in an internship program with their local CofC Church, undertaking intentional formation, ministry experiences and opportunities, whilst exploring the option of future ministry and leadership either in the church or the workplace.
Intern - Participant in Cohort
Church – Responsible for the day to day running of their internship program
Mentor/Supervisor - Someone (Preferably not within the church) who supports and challenges the intern in their personal journey
Cohort Coordinator - a member of the CofC Qld team who supports both the intern and the church as you do this journey together.
In 2024 we are adding a second year to NAVIGATE, allowing interns who are investigating a second year of internship to continue journeying together.
Year 1: Taste and See (A Gap Year)
Year 1 of the NAVIGATE program is open to all interns! Year 1 is a year of discernment focused on helping each intern experience and discover Gods call on their life.
If at the end of Year 1 Ministry is something that an intern is interested in exploring further... Then there will now be an option to be invited to do a second year.
Year 2: Explore and Equip
Year 2 of the NAVIGATE program is a deeper dive into leadership, allowing our interns to explore Ministry as a vocational pathway. Our aim for year 2 if to ensure Interns get a well-rounded experience of Ministry, with additional opportunities and responsibilities, within both their local and broader movement settings. Year 2 is available to interns upon an application process. It is also required that Second Year interns are enrolled in some aspect of study.
For More information & to apply for the Cohort: Download the 2024 NAVIGATE Prospectus
Meet our interns
Are you looking for something new in 2024? Why not consider an internship!