Innovation for Impact

Youth CONNECT was an innovative program supporting 300 young Queenslanders aged 15 to 25 who had recently left residential care, foster care or the youth justice system in Townsville, Logan, Gold Coast and Ipswich.

In a world-first, this six-year program (three groups) was funded by social impact investors and backed by the Queensland Government under a social benefit bond. This program was designed to help participants achieve stable housing, employment, education and work readiness and personal development - including cultural strength building.

This program is now complete. 

Youth CONNECT sucess

Our Youth CONNECT program closed out at the end of 2023, and we couldn’t be prouder of the results.  Our team supported two cohorts of vulnerable young people to improve their skills and opportunities, and their perseverance and strength was an inspiration. Overall the success of the program exceeded targets, with 52% of these young people meeting the formal success criteria of achieving stable housing, and consistent engagement in employment, education or personal development. 

Read more about the program and its outcomes in our final Annual Report.

Program design

Young people engaged in the Youth CONNECT program are supported by a case manager and support workers to identify their needs and goals and to create a personalised plan that focuses on:

  • Obtaining and maintaining stable housing
  • Engaging or re-engaging in employment or education
  • Other needs such as engaging in counselling, health management, parenting courses and building social skills and healthy relationships.

Youth CONNECT’s goal is to ensure young people leaving care have:

  • safe and stable accommodation
  • fulfilling employment and/or education opportunities
  • plan for ongoing personal development
  • meaningful social connections.

To achieve this, a young person moves through four program stages to allow enough time to build, practice, and demonstrate the skills required to live independently and successfully.

The program stages are Engage, Build, Practice and Demonstrate.

Download Youth CONNECT Program

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