How we support kinship carers

We're here to help you

We provide training and assistance at every stage of your kinship care journey, ensuring you feel comfortable and capable of providing the care your child needs.

General training

We offer you some general parenting skills training and also other topic-based training, like what you can expect from Child Safety. You can attend any of our general foster care training courses, if you like - it's not mandatory.

Specialist training

For kinship carers taking in children with disability and those with challenging behaviours. This might include training in Youth Mental Health or in managing family relationships.

Ongoing support

You'll have a dedicated case worker who you'll get to know and trust. You can approach your case worker with questions anytime. We also offer 1:1 mentoring and ongoing training for kinship carers taking children with challenging behaviours.

Financial support

We'll help you access the government's kinship carer allowance - with a base fortnightly allowance starting around $525. There are also other allowances available. There's also a Carer Business Discount Card, offering retail discounts across QLD.
Learn more about allowances

We also offer

24/7 on-call assistance

You can contact our 24/7 Carer Line anytime in emergency, or if you're needing support with your child's behaviour.

Carer groups

We'll help connect you with our other kinship carers in your region, so you can create a group or network where you can share stories and solutions with others in the same situation as you.


You'll have a dedicated case worker you can call for advice. You'll also receive our regular foster and kinship carer newsletter each month, featuring important updates and information about events and training opportunities.

Know a child needing kinship care?

Fill in this online form and we'll call you.

Become a kinship carer

Apply now to become a kinship carer

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So a local staff member can contact you