3 Mar 2021

QEFS lunch box donations

Youth support
Our Family Support Service in Maryborough recently received donations of lunch boxes from the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) team.

Gary McCormack QFES Assistant Commissioner North Coast Region delivered the lunchboxes that have been collected as part of the Zephyr Lunchbox Drive.
The brand new lunch boxes were collected by the QFES from all of their north coast regional branches.
We received 80 lunchboxes and are looking forward to giving these to vulnerable families in our community under the Zephyr program.
Zephyr Education Inc (formerly, Zephyr Foundation) is a group of volunteers who got together in 2013 to help children at domestic violence shelters get on with their education by supplying them with everything they need to for school.
Domestic violence in Queensland has reached epidemic levels, just as it has elsewhere in Australia. Anyone who has any doubts about this only has to read the report of the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland, titled NOT NOW, NOT EVER, Putting an End to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland, released in February 2015.
The Churches of Christ family support services are squarely focused on supporting families to thrive, become stronger and more resilient, enabling children to remain in a family environment that is supportive, nurturing and safe.
If you are a victim of domestic violence or in fear that you may be harmed by your partner, call DV Connect’s Womensline on 1800 811 811.
You can also call this number if you are concerned that a woman you know has been harmed or will be harmed by her partner.
DV Connect is a state wide service available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
However, if you believe you are in danger now, call 000.
On behalf of our children, young people and families thank you QFES for your support.