Protecting children is everyone's business - Child Protection Week 2019

Our foster carers Kathleen Cady and Shaun Slater were recognised for their unwavering commitment to children and young people at the launch of Child Protection Week at Parliament House on 29 August.
Kathleen received the Volunteer Award for 26 years of love and support to more than 40 children and young people in need of foster care.
‘It’s really nice to know I am making a positive difference, some kids come with not much and scared, being able to help change their future is important to me’ Kathleen said.
Shaun received the Community Initiative Award for his ‘Bootsfourkids’ charity program that provides boots for families with children or young people who want to play football and need a little extra support.
Shaun is a foster carer and has eight children in his family, two foster children.
‘It’s a pretty full house, but this is family, we do what is in the best interest for the children and we treat the kids as if they are very own,’ Shaun said.
There are a range of activities held across the State during Queensland Child Protection week to shine a light on child protection.
The Protect All Children Today (PACT) formed Child Protection Week 33 years ago. Through a coalition of agencies PACT staged the first annual Child Protection Week in Brisbane in 1986.
Today, the Queensland Child Protection Week Committee coordinates a community campaign with the combined efforts of 27 organisations and the support of the Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women, the Queensland Family and Child Commission, Queensland Police, the Department of Education and the Department of Health.
Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women, Di Farmer said Child Protection Week was an opportunity to promote the value of children and focus attention on the issues of child abuse and neglect, while also supporting and valuing the professionals and volunteers who supported young Queenslanders who had been harmed or were at risk of harm.
“I am honoured to be able to personally thank and acknowledge this year’s award winners for their dedication to protecting Queensland’s most vulnerable children,” Ms Farmer said.
“Child Safety really is everyone’s responsibility, and together we can work towards making sure every Queensland child has the same hope and opportunity as the next.”
Churches of Christ Care: Children, Youth and Families, provide a broad range of services to children, young people and families throughout Queensland. These services include early childhood care, family support, foster care and transition to independence programs, with support provided based on the individual needs of children, young people, families and communities.
We are committed to ensure children and young people grow up safe and cared for in family, community and culture.
For more information about Child Protection Week visit