New local band Bribie Beats goes on tour!

The band has performed to rave reviews at Bribie Island Aged Care and is now going on tour, with their next performance planned for 21 July at the Bribie Retirement Village.
Regional Manager North Coast Sandy Osmond explains how it all started. “Home Care Clients at Bribie Island meet weekly for the Bribie Social group for bus outings and activities. During one of their regular meetings, the group decided they should include some exercise. A client mentioned how they had seen a group of people using a gym ball with drumsticks as an exercise program, and without hesitation, gym balls and drumsticks were purchased for the group. With creativity flowing, one client started to beat a song, and the Bribie Beats band was born!”
The wife of Bribie Home Care Social group member, Bill, mentioned the idea to him after seeing something similar on social media, which prompted Bill to share the concept with the group. The idea was enthusiastically welcomed by the club, including Ralph, another Home Care client who played in a band in his younger days, and staff member, Drew, who plays guitar.
Bribie Island Home Care Service Manager, Colleen Rawson, impressed by the musical talents of the Bribie Beats, suggested they could perform for the residents of the Bribie Island Aged Care Service.
“The group was so passionate and committed, and also naturally musically talented. It was a delight to watch them practice and learn eight songs in just a month. So, we booked in their debut concert for the 2nd of June.”
“It was fabulous to see our Churches of Christ Home Care clients entertaining our Bribie Aged Care and Retirement Living residents.”
“This type of initiative by the Bribie Beats group is a great example of how we try to support our Home Care clients to live life the way they choose. If they want to pursue a passion for music and form a band, our team will do everything we can to help facilitate that. It is wonderful to see our clients pursuing their individual goals and passions and making plans for the future. They are an inspiration,” explains Colleen.
On the morning of the concert, the Bribe Beats arrived in authentic rock star wardrobe, wearing colourful outfits and wigs. Band member Joan said the group didn’t have any nerves for that first performance; they just wanted to get out there and perform.
“I had the privilege of introducing the Bribie Beats for their first performance. I was so excited as our audience, the residents of Bribie Aged Care, filled the hall, and so proud to introduce the magnificent Bribie Beats for the first time,” said Colleen.
Sandy said the band was a hit. “The residents loved it. They sang along with the music and played instruments as well. The band received an encore from the residents, who asked if the Bribie Beats could come back every week,” said Sandy.
“On checking with the band the following morning, they were still pumped from the day before. Their arms were ready to go again!”
Before the day ended, the Bribie Beats were getting bookings to perform at nearby Little Mountain Aged Care Facility, and plans were made to return to Little Mountain regularly. So, the Bribie Beats are headed off on tour. All the best to this talented, inspirational group for a fantastic road trip.