2 Jun 2022

National Reconciliation Week wrap-up

Youth support
National Reconciliation Week is an opportunity to learn, listen and build relationships with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities.

As part of that acknowledgment, our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Officers have organised regional events across Queensland, including yarning circles, Building Cultural Capability sessions, basket weaving, and events with Elders sharing their experience as members of the Stolen Generations. 

As one of our case workers shared: “When people begin to understand that we are all interconnected and that we all thrive when our Indigenous brothers and sisters thrive, reconciliation is occurring. When people start to see that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture has something to teach us all and that western culture isn’t superior but different, reconciliation is occurring. When people engage with Indigenous people in a way that leads to equitable outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the gap is reduced on any level, reconciliation is happening. When we see Indigenous people as the experts on their own lives I think that reconciliation is happening. I think that when these things spread – our services, organisation, sector, communities and nation can move forward towards a better future for all.” 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Officer Josh Maher organised a community event at the Gold Coast with various community groups in attendance and also organised for team members from his office to participate in local community event:  “I was happy to see so many of our staff attend the National Reconciliation Event held by community group Gunya Meta. The only staff that didn’t attend were not in the office that day. So it was very heart warming. Reconciliation to me is simply ‘Change’. Change in relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, change in systems that disadvantage First Nations people of Australia, change in outcomes, change in gaps being closed in health, emotional and wellbeing, housing, education, employment life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people."