National Palliative Care Week 2024 - What to know about palliative care

This is an important specialised form of medical care for those at the end of their life, and something our qualified support staff provide regularly in our aged care services.
Palliative care aims to reduce and relieve suffering at the end of life, by addressing physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of a person. Our Clinical Practice Leads (CPL) share some facts about palliative care that people may not have thought about.
The important thing is that palliative care is a person-centred medical practice, focused on keeping the person comfortable and cared for at the end of life. This involves ensuring the wishes of the person are being fulfilled and often involves multiple care specialists including doctors, nurses, chaplains, personal care workers and more.
Loss, grief and death isn’t something we necessarily like to think or talk about, but that’s a key reason why we should consider ours and our loved one’s wishes for end of life. Planning ahead helps you through these difficult times, making it easier to communicate with health professionals, and focus on care and comfort. Discuss planning for palliative care with your healthcare professionals.
Palliative Care Queensland talks about the idea of ‘compassionate communities’. This places importance on the consideration and inclusion of friends and families of the person, ensuring the wider circle of people are valued. Palliative Care teams work with both patients and their loved ones to form goals for treatment, and everyone has a part to play in creating a safe and comfortable environment at times of loss and grief.
The goal of Palliative Care is to promote and provide activities that are directed towards improving the quality of life. Palliative Care Teams provide support to clients and their loved ones in various different forms such as counselling or someone to talk to.
Palliative care can be delivered in multiple different ways and in many different places. Whether through aged care workers in residential aged care facilities, whilst in hospital, or even at home to promote comfort for everyone, general or specialist services are available. Speak with your healthcare professional or visit National Palliative Care Week 2024 – Palliative Care Queensland ( for more information.