24 Jan 2023

Scholarship unlocks career goals

Our churches
When Annalyse Murray was considering her career goals and the study she would need to undertake to achieve them, it all seemed impossible.

But she is now excited for the future after being named one of 37 successful recipients of the 2022 Eziway Staff Study Assistance Scheme scholarship. Annalyse will now be able realise her career goal of studying a Diploma of Events.

Currently working as an Administration Assistant for the Governance group, Annalyse’s desire to pursue further study was cemented when her manager at the time encouraged her to explore her passion for events management. She was allocated time to help the Events Team with a number of large organisational events in 2022. Through this, she saw an exciting career path before her. 

“I realised I liked organising things, like fundraising and events. My manager allocated times for me to work with the Events Team. It was so exciting. I helped with Shining Stars, the Ministers Forum, AGM. I loved it. That’s what led me to choose to do a Diploma of Events,” she said.

With knowing that she wanted a career in events and the course she needed to complete to achieve her goal, her attention then turned to how she would pay the fees for her diploma.

Twice a year the Eziway Staff Study Assistance scheme is available for Churches of Christ staff to apply for to help pay for costs associated with study that will help further their career and professional development. 

For Annalyse the scholarship was key to being able to pursue her career goals.

“I decided not to apply for the course until after I got the scholarship because knew I wouldn’t be able to pay for the up-front fees without it.”

The Eziway scholarship offers up to $5000 to assist with the cost of study for employees who have been with the organisation for a minimum of 12 months. The funds can be used for up-front payments of course fees for qualifications of Certificate 3 or higher, and the cost of study materials and resources. 

At first Annalyse was optimistic about her chances of receiving the scholarship, having being in her role since April 2021. 

However, after applying, she found out that her application might be denied because the scholarship was aimed at developing you in the current area you are working in, and the Events Management pathway lay outside the scope of her current role.

 “I just cried when I heard that my application might not be successful. Then two days later I received an email saying I was successful. I was so shocked and happy. I told everyone and printed off the certificate that says ‘you’ve been awarded the scholarship’ so I could show them.”

The Eziway scholarship paid for all of Annalyse’s upfront course fees, removing a large roadblock to achieving her career goals. The decision by the Eziway Staff Study Assistance Scheme Committee shows that to qualify for the financial assistance, the study pathway of employees simply needs to fall within the large scope of Churches of Christ business areas.

“I’m really grateful for this scholarship and I want to work hard to make it all worthwhile.”