A Feline God Moment
20 Mar 2024

A Feline God Moment

Our churches
In the book of Numbers, we can read how a donkey saved the life of Balaam. Recently, I heard a true story of a cat saving its owner’s life.

Every day a woman took her elderly cat for an exercise walk around her property. Afterward the woman and her cat would sit together under a big old gum tree in the back yard while she spent time praying and reading her Bible.

One day at the end of their walk, the cat refused to go near the tree. The woman tried three times to persuade the cat, but it wouldn’t budge. So she picked the cat up and took it back into the house. Within moments, the 20 metre high tree came crashing to the ground, destroying part of her patio. If they’d been sitting under the tree, they would certainly have been killed. She recalls “I couldn’t believe how I’d been saved! Through my cat, I was able to experience a ‘God moment’, and I lived to tell the tale.” 

God is always looking out for us, and he has countless ways of sending us guidance. Have you ever experienced a ‘God moment’, an unexplainable touch of grace or protection in your life? I promise you, you’ve had some. 

Notice how the woman said she’d “lived to tell the tale”. God is continually interacting with you and giving you unique stories to share. Perhaps through sharing a story of your awareness of God’s provision or protection, His Spirit will open someone’s heart to the truth of His custom-made care of each one of us. We just need to be on the lookout for the times He meets us in a beautiful, one-off way.